"How MuchTime Are You Spending on the Most Important?"

                 Manage Your Time - Master Your Life


34) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to create an activity log to monitor how you are managing your time.

“It is how we spend our time here and now, that really matters. If you are fed up with the way you have come to interact with time, change it.”- Marcia Wieder
“You can do one thing extremely right and achieve tremendous success; or you can do many things not so right and achieve nothing.”- Jennifer Mualin
“Most people spend their time unconsciously. They do not know how they spend it, why they spend it, or where to spend it. They just know they spend it and wonder why there is not enough. The shift is to spend it consciously. Remembering first who you are and what your purpose is. Then managing your time to represent that.”- Jennifer Mualin
• What may be done at any time will be done at no time. Time management allows you to control and change the sequence of events in your life. Time management is the most effective skill for successful accomplishment. Poor time management is a major reason why numerous talented people do not achieve their goals. The excuse is I don’t have the time. But when you have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, we are referring to 8,064 hours a year. So the issue is not that we don’t have time but how we are spending it. Are we spending it consciously or unconsciously? Are you reacting as you have always done or are you creating the life you desire by proactively managing your time? Insanity is doing the same things over and over expecting different results. And this is how many manage their time and then wonder why they don’t have time.
• In this section you are going to learn skills the top speakers of time management teach that will move you the fastest towards your success and tremendously change your life.
• The first step on solving any problem is to become aware you have a problem. How are you going to manage your time if you do not know were you spend your time? The first step in this process is to become aware of how you are spending your time. I would recommend you to create an activity log of how you are spending your time.
• You can reduce stress, triple your productivity, and spend more time with your family and activities you enjoy all at the same time by applying time management skills. Many have reduced working hours 40-50% and earned much higher incomes applying time management skills. Time is your most precious resource. You cannot save time but reallocate it from activities of lower value to activities of higher value.
• Oftentimes the thinking and planning of time is the highest payoff you can invest in a project.
• Moving from short term thinking to long-term thinking is the key strategy for higher achievement.
The average American spends 36 hours a week watching TV. How are YOU spending your 24 hours?
Be aware that these techniques if applied will help you achieve much more in one year than what can take you 5 to 15 years
“A man must be master of his hours and days, not their servant.” William Frederick Book

35) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to effectively set goals that will move you the fastest towards your success.

Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year- and underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade.”- Anthony Robins
“If you win the rat race, you’re still a rat." - Lily Tomlin Goals give you a sense of control which in turns translates into greater confidence. These help you define your desires with great precision. SMART goal setting (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely) has been proven to tremendously impact productivity. Also, your goals should be aligned with your values or meaningful and balanced with time off.
According to Brian Tracy 97% of the population does not have written goals. Only 3% do. But these 3% are far more productive than the other 97% altogether. He also says that 70% of decisions we will make will turn to be wrong.
• Write down as if one year has passed (putting the date of one year from now) and write down at least 10 major goals as if these were already accomplished. As you write these be as specific as possible. For instance, I am a _____, I earn _____, I weigh______, etc. Just doing this exercise has placed you within the top 3% of the population. Now go through the list and circle the two most important goals. Visualize these goals as already attained.
• Do something every single day that moves you towards your greatest goals.
• “Your goals are measured statements to represent your dreams in tangible form.”- Jennifer Mualin You set the pace in how fast you achieve your goals depending how clear you are about them.
• “A study conducted on goal setting revealed that 95% of people that wrote goals achieved their goals. The one requirement was that they did not quit.”- Brian Tracy
• You never fail except when you think you fail. So keep moving relentlessly towards the goals you set.
“To not have a goal to aim for is to stop living. This is the same as to say that you became complacent with an unsettled life.”- Jennifer Mualin

36) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on the tools for successful planning to effectively plan out your goals up to their realization.

“Your plans are roadmaps for your life. They take you were you want to go if these are clear enough to be read and precise enough to be implemented.”- Jennifer Mualin
“A plan is the blueprint of your imagination giving force to your life’s creation.”- Jennifer Mualin

“Better three hours too soon, than one minute too late.”- William Shakespeare
“If I had six hours to cut down a tree, I would spend four of these sharpening my axe.”According to Brian Tracy you save 10 minutes of execution for every minute you invest planning. The act of planning or thinking on paper gives you a 1,000% return on energy. Planning is extremely critical to become an excellent time manager.
• By becoming clear in your thinking you attract clearer thoughts on how to make your goal happen to believe you can make it happen rather than focus on why it cannot happen.
• You can work on a monthly plan and break it down into a weekly plan and then a daily plan.
• From the list of the top 10 goals of which you circled the two most important for the next year create a plan on how to achieve these.
You are going to list major goal #1 and #2, write down action steps to accomplish these, incorporate a deadline into each action step, and incorporate any resources or people to be involved to accomplish each action step. By doing this exercise you are already within the top 1%.
• Then the most important point is to take action by incorporating into your to do list action steps from the plans of the major goals you have set in order of priority.
• The key for planning is to give you direction towards fast action in the accomplishment of your goals. It is completely appropriate and recommended to modify your plans as you move along and feel right doing so. If you kill this flexibility into the planning process you become an automated version of your ideas and kill the creative force in accomplishing these most successfully by being in the moment.
Planning is organizing your thoughts and choosing the best ones to manifest rather than letting disorganized thoughts randomly create your life.”- Mualin

37) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to apply the principle of clarity to effectively prioritize and manage your time the most productively.

“How are you going to master your time if you do not know how you spend it or where to spend it?”- Jennifer Mualin
“This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we know what to do with it.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson
“80% of success is becoming clear about what you are trying to accomplish.” – Brian Tracy. The most productive and effective people think the highest about their time and how to use it on a daily basis. They give thought constantly to what is the most productive use of their time. They become absolutely clear in what they seek to accomplish.
• Do this exercise now. In a sheet of paper put these different categories: Spirituality, Personal Development, Family, Giving, Career, Education, Community, Social Life, Financial, and Physical. Imagine yourself as if one year has passed and you have achieved everything you wanted to achieve in these areas. Write down your notes as specifically as you can of what your life will look like in these areas. Keep this paper handy in your office and look at it frequently.
• Conduct what if scenarios to ensure your plans get accomplished.
The more clear you are to what you want to achieve and to what are the activities contributing the most to this achievement in every area of life the more you will be able to say yes to what moves you toward it and no to what does not.
• Be clear in what you like to do so that you are in a position where you are doing tasks that fit your interests and strengths.
• Also, be clear in your time frames for goal accomplishment.
• Effective people think in terms of specifics and plan accordingly and to such degree achieve successful results.
Success is not achieved in vague ambiguous ideas but rather in clear and specific ideas completely planned out and persistently implemented. If you are not accomplishing successful results it is because you are not clear enough of what it takes to accomplish the results you desire or you are not taking action. If you are doing both there is no limit to what you can accomplish.
• As you think clear thoughts you are using your mind greatest tool in creating the reality you want to manifest by mentally rehearsing the steps that will move you closer to what you want. You will also be attracting positive feelings that will draw what you want to you.
• Your confused thoughts act like magnets in giving you more reasons of why you can’t achieve your goals and will bring about feelings of lack of motivation towards achieving such goals that will lead to inaction.
"The reason why clarity is so powerful is that it removes layer by layer of confusion to reveal what was there from the start. A way for your vision to be manifested step by step by bringing out what you already knew if only confused thoughts would not have shed its light.”- Jennifer Mualin

38) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to only procrastinate on tasks that are not conducive towards your long-term success.

“Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are as many days in a year as you use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year. While another gets a full year’s value out of a week.”- Charles Richards
“The key is not spending time. But investing it.”- Stephen Covey
“If you keep waiting for the right moment the right moment will pass but you will not see it because you are waiting for the right moment. Why then not make this the right moment?”- Jennifer Mualin

• Ideas are great, but unless implemented these are just that ideas. It is critical that you take action. Procrastination is being immobilized. Needing to do something and not doing it.
• “Don’t wait. The time may never be right.”- Napoleon Hill
• “Eat that frog”- Brian Tracy. The frog is the hardest task you have set to achieve that day. Remind yourself to do that most difficult task first. By getting rid of the most difficult task first you get a sense of confidence as you work the day that you got the most difficult task out of the way.
If you are working on a task that seems too big to be managed, break it into smaller manageable pieces. If you need help ask for it. If you are unclear, get clear. For confusion breeds procrastination. The greatest motivator is knowing what is expected of the task at hand.
• Constantly remind yourself of the end result.
• Be decisive. The most successful people take action and are decisive. Many people waste time because they have not made a resolute decision to be productive at what they do. If you encounter a problem and you can solve it right there on the spot, do so. If you can’t solve it at the moment, plan it into your to do list for that day or another day. But take action on it. Unresolved problems create inaction by causing confusion.
• When you should procrastinate? You should only procrastinate when you are dealing with activities not relevant or not conducive towards achieving your major goals or objectives. “The average person procrastinates on high value tasks.”- Brian Tracy. Procrastinate on the 80% of the Pareto Principle that will not yield your 20% results.
“Life breeds action and the fastest you act on your ideas the more ideas you will have to succeed.”- Jennifer Mualin

39) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to work on priorities to achieve much more within the next five years that what may take you 20 to achieve.

“If you want to make good use of your time you’ve got to know what is most important and then give it all you’ve got.”- Lee Iacocca
“If the requirements of my job are the same as my strengths that gives me return, and then doing those things brings me great pleasure, I will be successful if I act on my priorities.”- Maxwell

“To not know how to spend your time is to not know where your life is going, which is the same to not be going anywhere at all.” – Jennifer Mualin
The Pareto Principle indicates that 20% of our activities produce 80% of results. What of your current activities are the 80% that can be eliminated or delegated? Likewise, 20% of our customers produce 80% of sales. 20% of products produce 80% of sales. 20% of salespeople produce 80% of sales.
Evaluate your monthly priorities. What are you doing that could be done by someone else?
• There is no shortage of time. In fact, we are positively awash with it. We only make good use of 20 percent of our time…. The 80/20 principle says that if we doubled our time on the top 20% of activities, we could work a three-day week and achieve 60 percent more than now.
Whatever you decide to do at a given moment is not allowing you to do many other things. If you are not careful you will be doing urgent but not important things. There is never enough time to do everything but enough time to do the most important things. It is key to success to be proactive and not reactive. Everything you do and don’t do is a choice and the quality of your choices adds up to the quality of your life. Be careful of what you are choosing to do because every time you are spending time in a specific activity there is an opportunity cost of numerous other activities that now you can’t do.
• It is important to look at those tasks that are no longer important and cut them down.
What are your priorities and what are those tasks you can cut down? Are you spending your time on those critical 20% activities? What can you do and only you do that will make a tremendous impact to those around you? What are the tasks that if you do will make the greatest contribution? There is one answer to this question and the answer changes all the time.
• There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. It is extremely important to reach your greatest success that you are efficient and effective. Efficiency is doing things right and will lead to survival. Effectiveness is doing the right things and will lead to success. You want to plan your schedule tightly by prioritizing tasks into your to do list. “Working from a list increases productivity 28% the very day you start.”- Brian Tracy
• You want to schedule first tasks that are urgent and important. An example of this will be urgent phone calls or dealing with extremely important customer issues. You want to schedule then those important tasks most critical to achieving your goals and that are the most difficult. In fact, you want to plan your day as much you can with important tasks and cut down those that are unimportant.
• The key then is to focus on each task single-mindedly until done, check it out, and move on to the next one. Not jumping on a next task until the previous one is completed.
Multi-tasking kills productivity because you are not in the moment but everywhere and therefore not anywhere including not now here doing what you benefit from doing with your full focus to move the fastest towards your success.
• Brian Tracy also said that by working on a task until finished, you decrease the amount taken to do the task by 80%.
Nobody in the deathbed said: “I wish I would have spent more time on my business.” You must invest most of your time every week doing what you do best, and let others do what they do best. Spend little time in your weaknesses. Most time on your strengths. Working on priorities is the single most important tool that if taken from this part of the program can radically transform your life.
To summarize the following are key activities you want to get done:
1) Decide what your major goals are and create plans with action steps to achieve these.
2) Incorporate in your to do list of every day critical tasks in accomplishing these major goals or objectives.
3) Work the to do list in order of priority.
4) Work on each task in the to do list until done. Check it out. Move to the next one.
5) Review and modify your major goals and plans periodically.
“If you are given a million dollars you will care about how the money is allocated and you will want to invest or spend it in what is for you the most important. Why not do the same with your 24 hours each day? This time spent well will not only give you much more than a million dollars but unlimited joy and purpose.”- Jennifer Mualin

40) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to say no to others to say yes to you and the activities were you would contribute the most.

The average American worker has 50 interruptions a day, of which 70% have nothing to do with work.”
“Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.”- Drucker

Be prepared to say no to tasks that are not consistent with your major goals or responsibilities. If you are always saying yes you will not have time to focus on your strengths and you may be doing other people’s job. If that is the case, who is doing your job? So say no to what is not consistent with activities that will lead you towards your greatest success now. When saying no though give people alternatives such as offering advice in how to get the task done, gather resources, or partner with someone else who working such task will fall more into his or her responsibility and add more contribution to the company.
• Make sure though you understand what is required before saying yes or no.
It is very simple since you don’t have the time to do everything if you say yes to everything the things that you may be neglecting may just be the most important to your job or were you will help the most.
“When you say yes to those asking for you to spend time on activities not related to your purpose or greatest strengths you are still saying no to others extremely much more by those that will not be helped through the time you could have spent using your greatest strengths. You just do not remember this or have forgotten about true giving. Either way your joy requires a shift in your thinking.”- Jennifer Mualin

41) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to overcome your weakest areas or constraints in utilizing your major strengths.

 “A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing, only at different times.” Gracian
“Imagine what you could do with your life if every month you are working on a weakness in utilizing one of your greatest strengths? You will become a master.”- Mualin

What skills or weakest point (points of intensity) do I need to develop to accomplish this vision or maximize use of my strengths? What one constraint if I could alleviate will move me the fastest towards the goal?
• The fastest you go from were you are to were you want to be depends on your ability to remove constraints or limiting factors. According to Eliah Goldrath in the Theory of Constraints wherever you are and what you want to achieve there is a constraint that will determine how fast you achieve your goal. It is key that you work on this constraint or limiting factor to maximize your highest achievement.
• The Pareto Principle also applies to constraints. 80% of constraints of achieving your goals are within yourself or your organization (lack of skill, ability, knowledge, or resource) 20% of constraints are in the outside world (industry, competitive, and economic factors). This means that 80% of constraints are within your control and only 20% are not. This means it is useless to complain about those factors out of your control limiting your life because these are minimal.
So if you are reinforcing weak points or areas that are not your major strengths you are still not going anywhere because you are making some weak points stronger rather than some strong points the best. And what will take you the fastest from here (were you are) to there (were you want to be) is becoming the best on areas that will determine your success. And so by improving any weak areas you are not doing that. What the Theory of Constraints as indicated here implies is looking at your greatest strength and at what is your weakest point in utilizing this greatest strength.
• So look and work on improving the weakest factors that are limiting you doing the most effectively one of your key major tasks or in utilizing one of your major strengths.
“Any time you spend working on overcoming weaknesses in using your greatest strengths will save you months or years of unnecessary work in advance.”- Jennifer Mualin

42) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to simplify your life to exemplify your potential.

“Truth is not found on a number of complicated ideas, but rather on simple ideas thought of and experienced”- Jennifer Mualin
“Heck by the time a man scratches his behind, clears his throat, and tells me how smart he is, we have already wasted 15 minutes.”- Lyndon B. Johnson

• Do not engage yourself on extensive conversations and writing extensively. Speak enough to show your care for people, establish a relationship, and get your point across. But then keep working on the accomplishment of your major goals. Keep your emails and reports as brief as possible according to the points you need to cover.
• Look and reexamine your processes. Ask yourself is this policy, procedure, or practice obsolete or necessary? Can it be simplified? Is there a less complex but equally effective alternative? Is this report necessary?
• What best practices could you utilize to make these activities much more effective? Who do you know that does the same activity in much less time? What can you learn from the experts? How can you keep your communications short and to the point while establishing strong relationships with key people?
“To simplify your life is to exemplify your potential by getting rid of what is not important.”- Jennifer Mualin

43) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to continuously improve yourself and your most important skills for your maximum success.

“No plan is ever final. For even just at the moment you stopped creating it different things have already shown up asking you to re examine it again.”- Jennifer Mualin
Life is change. Embrace change and continue learning to adjust yourself and plans according to changing circumstances.If you are not growing you are dying.”- James Ray Observe your experience and be aware which time management skills work best for you and which are not working. Keep working on the most important skills to deliver in an exemplary manner key tasks. Continue improving yourself gradually. Ask yourself what one skill if it were developed will push me the fastest towards my success? Ask yourself is there anything knowing now what I know I wouldn’t do again? It is incremental improvements that lead to substantial improvements. It is through practice and repetition of certain skills that you make these skills better.
• “By applying time management techniques and by improving 1/10 each day, you will be ½ of 1% more productive per week, 2% more productive per month, 24% more productive per year.”- Brian Tracy
• Learn from your mistakes. The only time you fail is when you do not learn from your experiences. Create a learning agenda where you make notes of what worked and did not work in the most important projects.
• Successful people are those that failed much more than unsuccessful people. However, they never gave up. They kept moving briskly in the direction of their accomplishments. Learn from coworkers, mentors, and supervisors and write these notes down. How are the most successful people you know managing their time?
According to the University of California you can get a full time educational program by listening self improvement material as you drive from place to place.
I am working to improve my methods, and every hour I save is an hour added to my life.”-Any Rand

44) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to delegate effectively to spend most of your time doing what you do best.

 “To delegate effectively is to let others do what they do best while you do what you do best.”- Jennifer Mualin
• To manage your time the most effectively as has been indicated it is important that you do what you do best. Delegation is an extremely valuable tool to do this. Delegation empowers people by increased responsibilities and it also serves as a great training tool. Don’t delegate though what you can eliminate.
The key concept though for delegation to work is to make sure you are delegating the right tasks to the right people the right way. Also, if possible outsource key tasks and use technologies to automate work. Delegate what is not part of the most important activities to which you contribute the most. Or what is not part of your greatest strengths.
• Also, delegate to people with the skills and interest to accomplish the tasks you delegate.
• Also, clarify your expectations to the person you are delegating, provide any training or resources needed, and provide assistance throughout the process.
• Indicate the results, not the process.
“Get into the habit of asking yourself if what you are doing can be handled by someone else.”

45) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to become much more successful by working smarter rather than harder and incorporating balance to redesign your best life now.

“If when it is time to work you work and when it is time to rest you play you will be able to live a successful life”
“I am definitely going to take a course in time management….just as soon as I can fit it into my schedule.”- Louise E Bourne
Balance is key to live the most successful life. The most successful people have high levels of physical and emotional energy for long periods of time. The whole purpose in focusing your time in your most important activities is so that you are able to spend more time with the people you love. It is not the number of hours that will make you successful but how you spend those hours. And to be the most productive during those hours it is key that you give yourself enough time to rest to get energized.
• Eat properly. Cut on foods high in sugar, fats, and flowers. Have plenty of proteins, fruits, and vegetables. The most successful people have high levels of physical and emotional energy for long periods of time. Exercise 30 minutes or more 3-5 days a week.
• The result of you not listening to your body can lead to physical, emotional, or mental breakdown. Anywhere from stress, a cold, or serious illness can result because of this.
• Money has nothing to do with working hard but with having a mindset that attracts money to you and by applying successful principles in your life.
• Then I learned from experience the little they teach you in high school and college of what applies to real life. “I don’t know about you, but where I went to school, Time Management 101 wasn’t offered, instead we learned of the war of 1812, which of course is something I use every single day.”- T. Harv. Ecker
It is balance that allows us to look at our mistakes and see what is not working to be flexible and live your most successful life now. It is balance which reminds you of your life purpose by leaving energy in your soul to think about it and plan for it. It is balance that makes you the most productive. It is balance which gives you time in joy with yourself and the people you love. So incorporate balance into your schedule and become much more successful by working smarter rather than harder and redesigning your best life now.
Easy does it (as the most powerful saying of Alcoholics Anonymous says). Be in touch with the essence of who you really are (your highest self), spend most of your working time around your greatest strengths, take at least 1-2 hours a day to condition yourself in successful principles to become the best you can be, take at least ½ to 1 hour a day to cancel negative thoughts and replace these with your highest loving thinking (or meditate), sleep 7-8 hours a day, plan for time off with people and activities you enjoy, eat properly, and exercise and watch your life transform into your greatest potential now.
“Balance is so powerful because it helps you keep yourself detached from your work and everything else. Attachment does not work because it stems from a belief of lack were it is implied you need what you are attached because if not you would not be attaching. Well, if you need it you do not have it and the universe does not support that. And so the more you attach the more you struggle as things happen to divert you from your path appearing as wasted time. It is much easier and joyful to incorporate balance to keep the scale of your life in perspective and so nothing stops you from moving the fastest towards the goals you set. This is an effortless universe.”-Jennifer Mualin

46) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to be fully in the present moment to master your time and realize the power of NOW.

“The past is what I think happened. The future is what I think may happen. The present is what is happening. So live it.”- Jennifer Mualin
“Time is infinite. This moment eternal. Its hours are the tools with which to navigate its realm. How you spend these is what will cause you to make the infinite of the eternal a joyful experience.”- Mualin

• “Yesterday is a cancelled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is cash in hand. Use it wisely.” Your ability to manage your time depends on being present to each moment. For as you are open to learn from current experiences you open yourself to improving yourself in how to manage your time. As you focus on the present moment and learning from each person and activity and circumstance you prepare yourself to master the next moment. As you give each moment your full focus, each activity your full effort, each experience your full learning, you will understand one of the great secrets in mastering your time and realize that it is all happening now. As you do this you will also be aware of what works and doesn’t by embracing fully and learning fully from each moment.
• Plan your day and work your plan. But do this without losing touch with your present moment that you may modify your plan as you go along according to current present experiences and do what feels right to your soul at any given moment.
“To be in the present is to understand that everything that could be, that really is, and that exists is happening now. Therefore, there is no past to condemn. No future to hold on. Only limitless possibilities in living this moment now.”- Jennifer Mualin

47) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded about effective data keeping tools to keep yourself the most organized and productive.

“You’d be amazed at the number of people that keep their desks a clutter and wonder why they feel confused.” – Jennifer Mualin
“It is estimated that the average time looking for things unplaced is 30%.”- Brian Tracy
• It has also been proven that working from a clean desk one item at time doubles productivity within 24 hours.
• Data keeping and keeping yourself organized and clutter free can help you work on a clearer mindset and achieve much more on the day. What you see outside is a reflection of what is inside. If your desk and office is all cluttered and disorganized what does that usually tell you about your own state of mind or confused mindset. You think clearer with less clutter around you.
• Know were to put documents so you can easily find these. Keep a phone book with all important contacts in alphabetical order. Create folders and binders with the most important information.
• By keeping yourself the most organized you save time wasted in needless searches of information you could have put in the right place since the first time and instead used that time to focus in your highest priorities.
“To keep yourself organized is to clear the clutter that confuses your mind. Rather than just clearing your mind of clutter.”- Jennifer Mualin

48) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded about successful meeting planning to make your meetings extremely productive.

• You benefit from keeping meetings emphasized on the most important points in order of importance. Create an agenda and send it before the meeting. Write in the agenda the place and time, purpose of meeting, items to cover, and what is to be shared or expected from participants.
• End the meeting reinforcing key points and who will do what and when.
• Establish standards of success by which the meeting can be measured to improve future meetings.

49) In the Discovery Program you will be reminded on how to develop a positive attitude towards time to reexamine your beliefs about time and move the fastest towards your success.

“Until you value yourself you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.”- Scott Peck
“Time is an illusion- it is an eternal moment of now that is a gone past and an unsure future. It is your believe about it which makes it real.” – Jennifer Mualin

“If you think you have time, talk as if you have time, and act as if you have time, by the law of attraction you will experience that in your reality – having time.”- Jennifer Mualin
• There are no limits except the limits you place on yourself. You got to believe yourself worthy of the life you desire to be willing to manage your time in a way most conducive towards your success.
Your attitude towards time is the single most powerful component in managing your time. Do you believe you can’t manage your time? Or do you believe you are an excellent time manager?
Just like any other area of life in time management your previous conditions and beliefs show up. In fact, these are the only limits you have in becoming an excellent time manager. If you are like the majority of people you are managing your time as you’ve been doing for years.
• And all that takes is a new choice to think in new ways that will attract you the circumstances of living the life you desire by how you are managing your time.
Just like anything in life if you believe you have time you will have time. If you do not believe you have time you will experience not having any. The choice is yours. Time is unlimited and always there. But your negative belief will not cause you to see it and thereby waste the greatest resource you have. This is not for you. For you can only experience life according to your perceptions. Believe you have time and you will experience having it now. Have a positive attitude towards time and according to the law of attraction attract circumstances that prove you have time according to the belief that you do have time.

Reexamine your habits as it relates to time. When you develop a habit of thinking you have time, continuously reexamining how you are spending your time, of making sure you are spending your time in the highest value activities, and on focusing single-mindedly in each activity until accomplished you will realize you will have taken a major turn in terms of manifesting success in your life. Your results will be determined by doing things that contribute the most to those around you. By being at choice with your time you will gain control over your life and do much more in just a few years than the average person will take 10 or 20. And it only takes 3 weeks to change a habit.

How are you spending your 24 hours? Remember your greatest resource of life is your time. Think, talk, and act as an excellent time manager and you will become just that. Make the choice- your choice- now! And observe these time management principles transform your life from the inside out.

"I think the world is upside-down. It is suffering so much because there is so little love in home and family life. We have no time for our children and each other. There is no time to enjoy each other and the lack of love causes so much suffering and lack of happiness in the world.”- Mother Theresa