Life Purpose- Unleashing the Genius Within

Law of Attraction and the Principles Driven Life

Manage Your Time- Master Your Life

Leading From the Heart/ Interpersonal Skills/ Persuasion

Mastering the Art Romantic Relationships

1) Understand what is living your purpose/why live it?

18) Understand how the Law of Attraction works/ how to master it

35) Create an activity log to monitor your time

52) Apply the principle of oneness/ teamwork

69) Identify who you are and if you are in the right relationship

2) Identify what YOUR purpose is/ how to live it?

19) Understand how the Life Principles work/ how to master these

36) Set goals effectively towards your success

53) Make others feel valued/ appreciation

70) Appreciate differences in between you and your partner

3) Create the most successful plan  to live your purpose

20) Apply the principle of oneness

37) Plan out effectively your goals

54) Make people feel important/ persuasion

71) Unconditionally love and accept your partner

4) Be fully present to your purpose and moment

21) Apply the principle of gratitude/ multiply your blessings

38) Apply the principle of clarity

55) Set clear expectations/ accountability

72) Fully and completely love yourself

5) Release the old to give space to your purposeful life

22) Apply the principle of forgiveness/ free yourself

39) Procrastinate on low value tasks

56) Establish right set of consequences/ coaching success

73) Give to your partner/  oneness

6) Visualize your purpose effectively

23) Apply the principle of trust/ release illusions

40) Effectively prioritize/ maximize your achievement

57) Go through the steps of the coaching process

74) Bring out the best in your partner/ appreciation

7)Develop the positive can do attitude to live your purpose

24) Apply the principle of faith/ realize your vision

41) Say no to others/ say yes to you

58) Make effective decisions involving your team

75) Live who you really are/ freedom

8) Apply the principle of appreciation to live your purpose

25) Apply the principle of freedom/ live who you really are

42) Overcome constraints in utilizing major strengths

59) Set successful measures and goals/ improvement

76) Understand what jealousy means/ heal it

9) Apply the principle of faith to realize your life purpose’s vision

26) Apply the principle of clarity/ manifest your goals

43) Simplify your life to exemplify your potential

60) Fully listen to prevent mistakes/  establishing rapport

77) See the best in your partner/ trust

10) Apply the principle of forgiveness to live your purpose

27) Apply the principle of abundance in all areas

44) Improve yourself continuously

61) Lead by example/ creating trust

78) Understand what is true honesty/ BE honest

11) Stop being a victim and become accountable

28) Visualize effectively/ use  your imagination

45) Delegate effectively/ doing what you do best

62) Hire the right people and put people in the right place

79) Get your partner to forgive your mistakes

12) Maximize your commitment to live it

29) Act as if or fake it until you make it

46) Work smarter rather than harder/ balance

63) Implement tools for full buy in

80) Manage your anger

13) Apply the principle of giving to manifest its abundance

30) Tune into the power of BEING

47) Be fully in the present moment

64) Align your words and actions

81) Do a values alignment exercise for your relationship

14) Be your own source and let go of the opinion of others

31) Break free of the worry habit/ release fear

48) Use effective data keeping tools/ organizational skills

65) Understand how to really motivate others

82) Recognize natural differences in between men and women

15) Plan financially your purposeful life

32) Use positive affirmations to realize your desires

49) Planning meetings successfully

66) Deal wisely with difficult people

83) Do an appreciation exercise that will bring joy to your relationship

16) Live fully in the now moment

33) Understand the Law of Opposites/ develop patience

50) Develop a positive attitude towards time

67) Develop others to their fullest potential

84) Understand real love vs. falling in love

17) Great life purpose positive affirmations

34) Understand how to manage your emotions

51) Do your own goal setting exercise

68) Lead with love rather than fear/ encourage creativity

 85) Connect to your source now!
